The petals
falling, bitter, the
memory of snow sweet
together we were I
wish I didn’t but I do so
wish I could step back,
I wish I could trace
the muscle to the source
of the pain I wish I could
breathe into it instead
of away. This tremulous
balance, feeling of
underglow, this shaking
of bees.
How many years for the earth to eat the building whole. To choke out all the native plants by swallowing the sun.
Poets are kind, even when
you can’t find your notebook,
even when your voice shakes,
or a cliche slips out or your
whole body cavity is empty nothing,
All of this climbing just to always be on the edge
of this incomprehensible valley this
otherworld landscape of trailergreenhouses and
littletiny homes and vague walls of tires testaments
to something or other to going far enough away
to keep everything but the coyotes out this snow on
the mountains and nothing but drifts in the middle.
The false creek,
that lightning storm
the other night,
the yak twisting his head to fit
his horns back through the fence.
The moon rose whole and glowing
like the light through a communication wafer,
just above Challenger,
the Sangres laid out like a jawbone,
teeth sawing at the sky,
sacrificial blood spilling the
sky screaming pink cutting through,
offering raised with both hands,
a dribble of red wine down your chin.
Empty seats ringed in a pink glow,
lots of paper napkins and stack of sugar packets,
the click of the pump, and half of the flow,
the plastic burnt around the shining ratchets.
Something about fire but I guess it slipped away
I can feel it stuck, twisted just behind my heart
pulling hardest from my
neck pulsing with every breath.
Whatever it was that I forgot.
The elk herd would walk by, slow
in the bleeding sunset
and we would watch them settling
in to the brush, tucking their hooves